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WatchDOG is an application that has one main goal: To make you drive safer.

It uses state of the art technology to detect your eyes and to alert you, visualy and by sound,

when your eyes are closing, or maybe when you are just not looking at the road.
WatchDOG also detects your driving speed at all times, to determine severity of events and to help you keep track of your safety level.


WatchDOG uses GPS data to notify supervisors where their employees are, at any given moment.

It helps organizations (Such as truck Companys, Taxis etc.) to monitor the drivers and to be aware of the safety level of each driver and their route.


WatchDOG was developed in March 2014 by three Computer Science students from Tel-Aviv University, Israel:

Dani Buller, Omer Bigger and Guy Khmelnitsky (Hence the initials DOG). 


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